Event Recap: NIRx Workshop Fudan University

The 2019 NIRx & Hanix Workshop at Fudan University in Shanghai was a great success!


We would like to thank all organizing parties, guest speakers, attending researchers and students, supporting staff and everyone else involved with the NIRx Workshop at Fudan University Shanghai last week. During the two-day workshop a strong selection of researchers presented their ongoing work, while NIRx Scientific and Technical experts provided lectures and hands-on training sessions. Please find below a brief report!


The first day started with guest lectures, and Professor Li Xianchun from East China Normal University had the honor to deliver the first, which focused on brain synchronization during social interaction.


Next, Professor Zhang Dandan of Shenzhen University shared her research on the processing of emotional speech in newborn brains, also explaining some principals of fNIRS data collection and analysis. Recently, a study from Prof. Zhang got published in the Human Brain Mapping journal. Read more about it here!

In the afternoon, Professor Niu Haijing from Bejing Normal University presented her work on how to use resting state fNIRS analysis to study brain development in children.

If resting state fNIRS analysis interests you, check out our upcoming Functional Connectivity Webinar!


The second afternoon talk was held by Professor Benjamin Becker from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu. Prof. Becker showed how his lab investigates new treatments for mental disorders using real-time fNIRS neurofeedback.

UESTC Chengdu (China) - Third Prize Winner in the NIRx 2018 Student Video Contest


The first day of the workshop was concluded by a wonderful talk from Professor Liu Tao of Zheijang University. Prof. Tao showed how VR and fNIRS can be combined to study inter-brain coupling in an interactive environment.


Thank you to all guest speakers for their interesting contributions!

On the second day, we continued with practical lectures on fNIRS experimental set-up, study design, data acquisition and data analysis. We also demonstrated concurrent fNIRS-TMS. Below you may find more pictures of the workshop!

Interested to see if there is an upcoming NIRx fNIRS event in your region? On our Events Page you will find all upcoming workshops, conferences and other events we are organizing or attending.

We look forward to meet you there!