E-Prime Extensions for NIRx Solutions
Streamlined Integration of E-Prime and NIRx fNIRS
E-Prime® Extensions for NIRx solutions is designed to optimize E-Prime® experiment communication with NIRx fNIRS systems.
NIRx toolbox of package calls in E-Studio
Drag and drop package calls give the ability to:
Send Experiment Description to Aurora
Start and stop your fNIRS recording
Perform Signal Optimization
Select fNIRS device and optode configuration
Send markers at specified events (e.g., onset of stimulus or response)
Send customized markers based on stimuli type for simpler
data analysisSend marker of response accuracy
Verify NIRx system status at the end of each trial
User manual with experiment tutorial
Sample experiments (e.g., Checkerboard, Finger Tapping, Stroop, etc.)
Package Calls for LSL and Chronos triggering
Technical support provided by PST and NIRx