Aurora fNIRS - NIRSport 2 Acquisition Software
Aurora fNIRS takes a whole new approach to user instrument control and data acquisition. With it, NIRx delivers intuitive, flexible, and easy-to-use software for the portable NIRSport 2 fNIRS solution.
Aurora fNIRS connects to your NIRSport 2 device(s) via Wi-Fi or USB, and can set-up a complete experimental configuration in only several clicks. Thanks to the automated signal signal optimization algorithm, Aurora fNIRS ensures optimal signal quality before a measurement is started. Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. In addition, high-end whole-head visualizations are immediately available. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.
Aurora fNIRS: revolutionary fNIRS acquisition software by NIRx, available for the NIRSport 2.
Turbo Satori - BCI and Neurofeedback Software
Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. It is developed by Brain Innovation, exclusively for NIRx fNIRS instruments. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device, and can be used in both lab-based as well as open environments (mobile studies). It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.
NIRSite 2021.4 Montage Software
The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRSite uses MNI head models, derived from MRI scans and allows you to either manually place sources and detectors on the scalp – EEG landmarks are provided as guidance – or to import the digitized coordinates of the optodes.
The new NIRSite 2021.4 also features different infant head models and automatic creation of short distance channels.
To be able to work with the new ICBM-152 MNI head model implemented in nirsLAB v2017.06, it is necessary to use montages created with NIRSite.
NIRStar 15.2 - NIRScout Acquisition Software
NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. Whether the aim is to perform mobile studies with the NIRSport or high density hyperscanning measurements with the NIRScoutX, NIRStar gives you a wealth of system control and real-time display capabilities that are designed to maximize the investigational opportunities accessible with NIRS.