Upcoming webinars : Analysis, Turbo-Satori, NIRS-EEG, Infant imaging with fNIRS, Mobile fNIRS

We are pleased to announce that we have many new webinars scheduled! Several topics will be covered, ranging from data acquisition with real-time processing (Turbo-Satori), advanced analysis techniques, multimodal EEG-fNIRS imaging, infant fNIRS imaging to mobile fNIRS.

Upcoming Webinars

2nd Level fNIRS Analysis with Covariates

Confirmed speakers: Dr. Jessica Gemignani

Overview: In the past, we have given several workshops, talks and webinars on the topic of fNIRS analysis, mostly focusing on the tools currently available. Understanding the general linear model is a significant part of the basics of fNIRS analysis. Little attention has however been given to 2nd level/group-level analysis, which comes with its peculiarities and difficulties. This webinar will explore 2nd level analysis, focusing in particular on the use of covariates and how they can be tested for correlations with the signal change in contrasts across subjects. Tools: NIRS Toolbox / AnalyzIR. For a walkthrough of motion and artifact corrections in the NIRS Toolbox, see here.


Date: Monday, 13 July 2020
Time: 4 pm CET, 10 am EST

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Turbo-Satori Webinar I: Getting Started

Confirmed speakers: Aisling Casey (NIRx)

Overview: This webinar will cover how to download, install and get familiar with Turbo-Satori, a comprehensive real-time fNIRS analysis and neurofeedback solution from our partners at Brain Innovation. Dr. Michael Lührs, one of Turbo Satori's creators, will be in attendance to answer your questions. This webinar is in preparation for the Turbo-Satori advanced webinar.


Date: July 22nd (4pm CET, 10am EST)

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Turbo-Satori Webinar II: Advanced Analysis

Confirmed speakers: Dr. Michael Lührs

Overview: This advanced webinar on Turbo-Satori, a comprehensive real-time fNIRS analysis and neurofeedback solution, is done in collaboration with our partner, Brain Innovation. Dr. Michael Lührs will be joining us and dive deeper into the new Turbo-Satori release and show some advanced analysis features.


Date: July 27th (4pm CET, 10am EST)

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Multi-Modal Integration: EEG & fNIRS

Date: August 2020, exact dates TBD
Time: TBD
Confirmed speakers: Dr. Theodore Huppert, Dr. Phil. Ann-Christine Ehlis, Dr. David Medine, Maria Adelia de Aratanha (NIRx)

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The combination of fNIRS and EEG offers the possibility to examine cortical activity more comprehensively. EEG and fNIRS have very different but complementary temporal and spatial resolution: while Evoked Potentials (EPs) detect the cortical response to a given stimulus with high temporal resolution, fNIRS localizes changes in oxygen metabolism that follow neural activation.

EEG and fNIRS are very often applied in multi-modal studies: in this webinar series, we will dive deep into the technical challenges and how these can be overcome as well as the benefits and potential applications of combining the two methodologies.  

Part 1: Benefits of multimodal applications. Use cases. Setting up your experiment: optimal paradigm design for multimodal fNIRS-EEG studies. 

Part 2: Integrating the set up. Combined fNIRS-EEG montage design for optimal cortical coverage. Practical hints on how to setup the integrated cap for good signal quality. Triggering and synchronization: LSL. 

Part 3: Approaches to analysis of fNIRS and EEG data

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Infant imaging with fNIRS

Date: September 2020, exact dates TBD
Time: TBD
Confirmed speaker: Dr. Judit Gervain

This webinar series will focus on the following topics:

Introduction to infant imaging with fNIRS. Advantages and possible limitations. Use cases and applications. 

Practical considerations. Working with infants, stabilizing the setup, preventing motion artifacts, experiment duration and setup comfort

The setup. Montage design, optimal SD distances for cortical coverage. Practicalwalkthrough in NIRSite.

Pre-register here

Mobile imaging with fNIRS

Date: October 2020, exact date TBD
Time: TBD
Confirmed speaker: Dr. Alexander von Lühmann

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This webinar will focus on the challenges of mobile brain imaging and the application of fNIRS. Portable and wearable solutions for mobile imaging: from system set up to signal quality considerations. Preventing and managing motion artifacts.

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