MRI/MEG-Compatible fNIRS Probes, Grommets, Caps
All NIRx NIRSport and NIRScout systems have MRI- and MEG-compatibility options. Long probes (between 7-10m) are used to reach the subject from the control room. No metal is used in any portion of the probes, optode retaining ‘grommets’, or the NIRScap .
Top: 7-10m probes travel to/from system to subject from control room. Probe length is minimized to maximize signal.
Left: NIRScoutX+ fNIRS System Chassis: Sits in control room, powers sources/detectors, connects to fiber optic probes and trigger integration cables
The same caps used for fNIRS measurements may also be used in fMRI and MEG-compatible EEG via the Brain Products BrainAmp system. Therefore it is also possible for one to do concurrent fNIRS/EEG/fMRI or fNIRS/EEG/MEG measurements. Multi-modal event synchronization is done by the fNIRS systems via trigger ports which receive 5V TTL pulses. Higher-sensitivity detectors ensure the highest-quality signal is received, as some signal is otherwise lost due to attenuation in the fiber optic.
Probes (Optodes) for sending/receiving light in MEG or fMRI scanner.
The low-profile probe tip is inserted into the low-profile retaining grommet & cap.
NIRScap worn by subject while in fMRI or MEG scanner. Available in a large range of sizes.
Safety Notes/Features
Materials used within scanner have found to be no concern in terms of safety; i.e. no magnetic force has been observed, and no electrical induction or inductive heating of the components took place.
No electrical wiring (Bundles electrically insulating, consisting of glass fiber and silicone sheath)
Materials used for tips and holders: black plastic, Delrin™ (POM)
Materials used for caps: spandex-type fabric, free of metal parts