Upcoming event – Hands on next generation fNIRS. 8th of June, Rome

We would hereby like to warmly invite you to the Rethink Functional Imaging – Hands on next generation fNIRS event, organized by NIRx Medical Technologies and Brain Innovation. This one-day workshop introduces a new platform for wearable, whole-head functional near-infrared spectroscopy, from signal acquisition to data analysis. The event takes place on June 8; just before the official OHBM annual meeting starts. Claim your spot for this event on http://rethinkfnirs.eventbrite.com, or read more information below!

A little over 30 years ago, NIRx introduced the concept of multi-distance spectroscopy measurements – tomographic brain imaging using near-infrared light. Together with Brain Innovation, pioneer of advanced analysis and mapping of structural and functional brain data.  Now, we are presenting an all-new way of studying brain activity, integrating the entire research workflow.

Join us for an interactive demonstration of the NIRSport 2, the wearable whole-head imaging platform. Try its powerful multi-device mode, and run whole-head measurements in almost any environment imaginable. Visualize hemodynamic changes with Aurora, the latest fNIRS acquisition software, and experience its potential for multi-modal research.

This event marks the premiere of our latest collaborative effort: an all-new analysis software. Get inspired, and be part of the newest developments in mobile neuroimaging. Meet the community and learn about ongoing efforts. Rethink your study, and rethink fNIRS.

The event is scheduled from 10am to 3pm, June 8, with admission free of charge. Final schedule, program and venue to be announced. Places are limited, so register now!

We very much look forward to welcoming you in Rome.