
Versatile fNIRS Solutions and Dedicated Scientific Support

Welcome to NIRx!

Are you curious about how Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) could lead you to your next high impact publication? Are you doing neuroscience research and are curious to learn how much further you could push your research with a NIRx system? We have our systems with us and are ready to give a live-demonstration to you. Are you already a customer of ours? We always like to listen and get feedback. Would you have time to let us know about your awesome work?

Get in touch with us, tell us about your research, and let us help you push the edge of neuroscience! No need to take our word for it - look at our outstanding customer publications on fNIRS research.

Upcoming webinars


Optimal Probe Placement in fNIRS Research

8th April - 10 am EST / 4 pm CET

Guest Lecturer: Dr. Rickson Mesquita

Reproducibility of results is one of the keystones in science and, in fact, is what makes science advanced over the centuries. The search for high reproducibility of the same experimental protocol across different sessions is particularly critical for longitudinal studies in functional neuroscience and in different clinical applications, so that one can unentangle the variability caused by systematic errors due to instrumentation/protocol from the intrinsic variability due to the research question. Specifically for fNIRS studies, we have found several contributors to systematic errors over the past ten years, such as motion artifacts, extra cortical contamination and global systemic physiology. More recently, we have found that the lack of spatial information of the optodes on the head can also introduce a major confounding source to the results and lead to misinterpretation of data. In this talk we will discuss the major problems that contributes to systematic errors in fNIRS, and present recent solutions we implemented to reduce variability in fNIRS protocols - including the integration of a real time neuronavigator system to guide probe placement of optodes in fNIRS. Registration link here.

Wanna work with us?

NIRx is an exciting, engaging, and fun place to work. If you are talented, open-minded, dedicated and looking for a place to grow, we have career opportunities open. Find out more here.



NIRx has established itself as a leading provider of neuroscience research solutions for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). See what our customers are publishing by visiting this page.

Who is NIRx?

NIRx has established itself as a leading provider of high-end, turnkey, research solutions for NIRS brain imaging. We design and manufacture innovative NIRS devices and software. We integrate devices, software and more into user-friendly and powerful research solutions. Our team of scientific consultants focuses on providing you and your team with training and outstanding support so you can focus on your research.

Want to learn more about our systems? Want to see our integration with various modalities? Want to know our specifications? Our flyers below will give you an overview.


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