
Versatile fNIRS Solutions and Dedicated Scientific Support

Welcome to NIRx!

Are you curious about how Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) could lead to your next high impact publication? Are you doing fMRI research and are curious to learn how much further you could push your research with a NIRx system? We have our systems with us and are ready to give a live-demonstration to you. Are you already a customer of ours? We always like to listen and get feedback. Would you have time to let us know about your awesome work?

Get in touch with us, tell us about your research, and let us help you push the edge of science!


Concurrent fNIRS & fMRI


Example of concurrent fMRI and fNIRS imaging during a left and right finger tapping experiment. Left>Right (blue) and Right>Left (red). SPM{t} activation images, contrasts defined in each image, overlayed on MNI template.


Upcoming webinars

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Multi-Modal Integration: EEG & fNIRS

The combination of fNIRS and EEG offers the possibility to examine cortical activity more comprehensively. EEG and fNIRS have very different but complementary temporal and spatial resolution: while Evoked Potentials (EPs) detect the cortical response to a given stimulus with high temporal resolution, fNIRS localizes changes in oxygen metabolism that follow neural activation. Register here.

Infant & Child Imaging with fNIRS


In September, Dr. Judit Gervain will be talking about practical considerations of imaging infants. Topics such as setup stabilization, motion artifacts prevention, duration of the experiment, comfort of the setup as well as montage design will be discussed. There will also be a focus on speech perception and language acquisition. Register here.

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Dr. Susan Perlman will also be joining us to talk about fNIRS with Toddlers through School Age Children. Data collection tips and experimental design will be outlined. Dr. Perlamn will also talk about mother-child hyperscanning dyads. Register here.

Mobile imaging with fNIRS

In October, Dr. Alexander von Lühmann will explore portable and wearable solutions for mobile imaging: from system set up to signal quality considerations while preventing and managing motion artifacts. Click here to pre-register.

Turbo-Satori: real-time analysis software

NIRx proudly offers Turbo-Satori for the real-time online analysis of functional near-infrared spectroscopy data.

Turbo Satori was developed in a partnership with the experts at Brain Innovation which are well known for its robust real-time neurofeedback fMRI solution. This software is compatible with all our platforms (NIRScout and NIRSport).

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NIRx has established itself as a leading provider of research solutions for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). See what our customers are publishing by visiting this page.


Who is NIRx?

NIRx has established itself as a leading provider of high-end, turnkey, research solutions for NIRS brain imaging. We design and manufacture innovative NIRS devices and software. We integrate devices, software and more into user-friendly and powerful research solutions. Our team of scientific consultants focuses on providing you and your team with training and outstanding support so you can focus on your research.


Want to learn more about our systems? Want to see our integration with various modalities? Want to know our specifications? Our flyers below will give you an overview.


Wanna work with us?

NIRx is an exciting, engaging, and fun place to work. If you are talented, open-minded, dedicated and looking for a place to grow, we have career opportunities open. Find out more here.


Follow us!

We are enthusiastic about NIRS and would be happy if we could share this enthusiasm with you! Would you mind following us on our social media platforms? Here are the links: